STEP 1: Eligibility Filtering
All the private and public unlisted companies including associations not for profit licensed under section 42 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984, can file application for striking their name off the register of companies under Companies (Easy Exit Regulations), 2014, except the following;
- subsidiaries of listed companies;
- foreign companies;
- trade organizations licensed under the Trade Organization Act, 2013, (II of 2013);
- companies which have liabilities outstanding in relation to any loan obtained from the banks or financial institutions, taxes, utility charges, or any obligations towards government departments or private parties;
- companies against which investigations, enquiries or inspections are either pending or are in the process of initiation or any matter under prosecution or pending before the court or any other competent authority;
- companies having dispute regarding management or shareholding;
- companies found involved in illegalities or fraudulent activities;
- housing and real estate development or real estate marketing companies; and
- companies involved in soliciting public deposits and repayment thereof or delivery of promised goods or services there against is yet not completed.
STEP 2: Filing of Application
Following documents/Forms shall be filed with the concerned registrar of companies, while applying for striking off name of company.
- Application for striking off Company’s name (Form EE-I)
- Members’ Resolution (Form EE-II)
- Declaration/Indemnity (Form EE-III)
- Auditors’ Certificate (Form EE-IV)
STEP 3: Payment of fee
Following application fee as prescribed under Seventh Schedule to the Companies Act, 2017, shall be paid by the applicant company.
- For online submission 5,000/-
- For manual submission 10,000
Notes: (i) The fee for submission of documents electronically shall be applicable only for the documents for which the facility of filing or lodging the documents electronically has been provided by the Commission.