Archive for year: 2023
December 14, 2023
SECP organized “International InsureImpact Conference, 2023”
SECP hosted International InsureImpact Conference 2023 held on December 13-14 in Karachi, gathering industry experts and stakeholders. The conference revolved around the areas of creating awareness regarding insurance products, leveraging of technology and collaboration, building resilience through crop and disaster risk insurance, creation of pools to deepen inhouse insurance / reinsurance capacity and improvement in […]
December 2, 2023
PMEX holds InvestExpo 2023
Chairman SECP, Akif Saeed, inaugurated InvestExpo 2023, organized by PMEX, in Islamabad, showcasing financial sector exhibitions from stock brokers, commodities brokers, mutual funds, insurance, and microfinance companies, aiming to promote safe investment alternatives.
November 22, 2023
KPK successfully transitioned from traditional pensions to a futuristic VPS for civil servants
The KPK government successfully transitioned from traditional defined-benefit pensions to a futuristic Voluntary Pension System (VPS) for its civil servants. The new pension system has been launched for those employees who have joined the government service in the province on or after June 7, 2022. It is anticipated that around 33000 civil servants of KP […]
October 15, 2023
The SECP, in partnership with PSX and IBA Centre for Excellence in Islamic Finance, held sessions to raise awareness about the Islamic capital market.
The SECP, in partnership with PSX and IBA Centre for Excellence in Islamic Finance, held sessions to raise awareness about the Islamic capital market. SECP Commissioner Mujtaba Ahmad Lodhi emphasized the convergence of Islamic finance and the capital market as a significant opportunity for Pakistan’s economic prosperity.
October 11, 2023
PTA – SECP sign MoU to promote mutual cooperation
Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to formalize mechanism for information sharing and cooperation between both regulators.The MoU was signed by Director General PTA, Mr. Muddasir Naveed and Executive Director SECP, Ms. Khalida Habib, at a ceremony held at SECP Head Office […]
October 1, 2023
Dr. Shamshad consultation with financial markets to bring investment through Private Funds
Dr. Shamshad Akhtar, the honorable Caretaker Federal Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs chaired a meeting with the Chairman of the Securities Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), bankers and heads of development finance stated that capital market reforms are critical component of the CareTaker Government’s economic revival program. The initiatives are aimed to promote growth […]
September 20, 2023
SECP, IGNITE ink MoU Dr. Saif for setting up VC fund to support fintech
ISLAMABAD, September 20: The Federal Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunication, Dr. Umer Saif, envisaged setting up a government backed Venture Capital (VC) Fund of Fund to strengthen the startup and fintech ecosystems by providing financial support to new ventures and startups.
June 24, 2023
SECP organized a “Symposium on Corporate Supervision and Regulatory Actions”
The 2-day symposium, held on Jun 23-23, 2023 hosted stakeholder consultation to suggest ways forward with respect to issues relating to company court rules, mergers, liquidations, RegTech, Suptech, Digitization, and the adoption of ADR. Honorable members of the superior judiciary, Registrars, prominent advocates, key adjudication officers of the regulated sectors of SECP and related professionals […]
May 31, 2023
A delegation led by Chairman Board of Trustees AAOIFI called on SECP Chairman Akif Saeed
A delegation of Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) led by Chairman Board of Trustees AAOIFI H.E. Shaikh Ebrahim Bin Khalifa Al-Khalifa called on SECP Chairman Akif Saeed. SECP and AAOIFI agreed to enhance mutual cooperation in light of MoU signed at the first Islamic Capital Market Conference. AAOIFI Secretary General Omar […]
May 30, 2023
SECP Chairman Akif Saeed unveiled a commemorative postage stamp to mark Silver Jubilee celebrations of CDC Pakistan Limited
SECP Chairman Akif Saeed unveiled a commemorative postage stamp to mark Silver Jubilee celebrations of CDC Pakistan Limited. He lauded CDC’s efforts and perseverance throughout the years towards service quality, innovation, investor facilitation and improving ease of doing business.
May 29, 2023
SECP and AAOIFI organized Pakistan’s inaugural conference on Islamic Capital Markets
The inaugural conference on Islamic Capital Markets by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) & Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) was organized on Monday, May 29, 2023. Federal Finance Minister Ishaq Dar, H.E. Sh. Ebrahim Bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, AAOIFI Board of Trustees Chairman, SBP Governor Jameel Ahmed, Minister […]
May 23, 2023
Senator Saleem Mandviwalla paid a visit to SECP Head Office. SECP Chairman Akif Saeed gave detailed overview of SECP’s mandate, recent reforms and future priorities
Senator Saleem Mandviwalla paid a visit to SECP Head Office. Chairman Akif Saeed gave detailed overview of SECP’s mandate, recent reforms and future priorities. Mandviwalla supported SECP’s efforts to improve business efficiency and support legislative & fiscal reforms. The senator emphasised the need for SECP to enhance its outreach efforts, especially with respect to innovative […]
May 18, 2023
SECP organized an awareness session on “embedding dignified work environment” was for SECP employees
An awareness session on “embedding dignified work environment” was organized for SECP employees. Ms. Maliha Husain, Ex. Director of MEHERGARH provided an overview of relevant laws & reporting mechanism w.r.t workplace harassment & appreciated SECP’s Code for respectable workplace.
May 10, 2023
Representatives of CFA Institute and CFA Society Pakistan met with SECP Chairman and Commissioner to discuss areas of mutual interest and collaboration
Representatives of CFA Institute, Mr. Nick Pollard and Ms. Reena Abdullah and CFA Society Pakistan, Mr. Muhammad Shoaib, Mr. Sajjad Anwar, Mr. Raza Jaffri and Ms. Sarwat Ahson met with the Chairman SECP, Mr. Akif Saeed and Commissioner SECP, Mr. Abdul Rehman Warraich, to discuss areas of mutual interest and collaboration. CFA Institute also conducted a learning […]
May 8, 2023
SECP in partnership with ICAP holds sustainability reporting session
SECP in partnership with ICAP holds sustainability reporting session & emphasized need for cohesive national ESG action plan.
May 4, 2023
Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to Pakistan H.E. Mr. Ulanbek Totuiaev called on SECP Chairman Akif Saeed
Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to Pakistan H.E. Mr. Ulanbek Totuiaev called on SECP Chairman Akif Saeed, to discuss cooperation b/w capital market orgs of both the countries. SECP team highlighted developments in Pak’s capital market & shared ideas on areas of mutual interest.
May 3, 2023
SECP Commissioner Mr. Abdul Rehman Warraich participated as panelist in SAARC Finance Symposium
SECP Commissioner Mr. Abdul Rehman Warraich participated as panelist in SAARC Finance Symposium about Climate Change and Green Financing. He highlighted the proactive approach & key initiatives undertaken by SECP in the climate change arena under SECP’s ESG Regulatory Roadmap.
March 14, 2023
SECP Chairman Akif Saeed’s address at the Infrastructure Summit 2023
As a progressive regulator, SECP has focused its efforts on introducing various enabling provisions in the regulatory space, paving way for infrastructure financing through both equity and debt modes, said SECP Chairman Akif Saeed while addressing the Infrastructure Summit 2023. “Faster approval processes by consolidating regulatory processes, increased transparency, and provision of favorable environment for […]
March 8, 2023
SECP celebrated International Women’s Day ’23 with a pledge to continue efforts for gender parity in corporate sector.
SECP celebrated International Women’s Day ’23 with a pledge to continue efforts for gender parity in corporate sector. Chairman Akif Saeed said “I am proud to say that SECP is spearheading women participation with women accounting for 38% in senior management & 51% in new hires”.
March 7, 2023
SECP Chairman Akif Saeed’s speech at the launch and award ceremony for the Corporate Philanthropy Survey Reports by PCP
Through long-term strategies focusing on outcomes, with better employee engagement and better synergies, the corporate sector can increase its contribution to the social and economic development of Pakistan, said SECP Chairman Akif Saeed while speaking at the launch and award ceremony for the Corporate Philanthropy Survey Reports by PCP. He said that the contribution of […]
March 6, 2023
SECP Chairman Akif Saeed’s address at the Annual Global Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Benchmarks Awards 2023
SECP has a comprehensive plan to ensure diversity, equity, & inclusion, while ensuring female representation in all management/executive committees as well as new recruitments, said Chairman Akif Saeed while speaking at Annual Global Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Benchmarks Awards 2023. He highlighted the progress made in women inclusion, with over 6,000 companies registered since 2015 […]
March 2, 2023
First meeting of the Sub-Committee of National Assembly Standing Committee on Finance & Revenue was held at SECP Head Office
Subcommittee of the NA Standing Committee on Finance & Revenue met at the SECP head office under the chairmanship of Ch. M. Barjees Tahir. The SECP team made a presentation on the salient features of Modaraba Companies & Modarabas (Floatation & Control) (Amendments) Bill, 2020. Sub Committee, which includes honorable MNAs Mr. Salahuddin Ayubi, Engr. […]
February 21, 2023
SECP releases “A Diagnostic Review of Islamic Finance in the Non-Bank Financial Sector of Pakistan”
SECP has released “A Diagnostic Review of Islamic Finance in the Non-Bank Financial Sector of Pakistan” encompassing key issues & challenges for Islamic finance in the NBF sector and offering recommendations for promotion of Islamic finance in Pakistan.
February 14, 2023
Representatives of CFA Society Pakistan attended a meeting with the SECP Chairman Akif Saeed
Representatives of CFA Society Pakistan attended a meeting with the SECP Chairman Akif Saeed and his team to discuss areas of mutual interest and collaboration between the two entities.
February 1, 2023
SECP Commissioner Abdul Rehman Warraich delivered keynote address at the 6th World Islamic Economics & Finance Conference
SECP Commissioner Abdul Rehman Warraich delivered keynote address at the 6th World Islamic Economics & Finance Conference, 2023. He highlighted significant developments in Pakistan’s Islamic non-banking financial sector and noted the key challenges faced by the sector. SECP Commissioner also proposed workable solutions for the development of Islamic non-banking financial sector, that will aide in […]
January 23, 2023
SECP, in collaboration with UN WOMEN, held a premier ESG symposium
SECP, in collaboration with UN WOMEN, held a premier ESG symposium to keep the momentum of discussion on #ESG practices & facilitate sustainable investment. Plenary discussion and working session with key stakeholders providing aspirations and pledges for strengthening ESG ecosystem.
January 13, 2023
SECP Chairman Akif Saeed met with SECP’s Shariah Advisory Committee
SECP Chairman Akif Saeed met with SECP’s Shariah Advisory Committee; discussed key issues pertaining to promotion of Islamic finance within its regulated sectors. The Shariah Committee is led by Dr. Mufti Irshad Ahmed Aijaz & includes Mr. Omar Mustafa Ansari & Mufti Ehsan Waquar.