All registered companies are required to file statutory company returns. Some of these returns are periodic and some are event driven. This process of the eServices application makes available steps involved in filing a return with Company Registration Office (CRO) of SECP. Documents are supplied to the system and upon acceptance; a filing certificate is issued to the company. If however, discrepancies are observed then a clarification email is issued (depending on the nature of the discrepancy). The company is then asked to submit a revised return.
The client will connect to eServices and log on to his/her account or signup in case of a new user. (Click here to login)
A successful logon to eServices will lead to a Process Listing/ Account Home page. As the Company has been incorporated, rest of the previously disabled options will now be made available to the client by the eServices system.
The list of return documents consists of a number of forms through which a client will enter his/her company’s factual data. In this all available forms are filled up and sent to the CRO individually unlike the previous processes in which one data input form automatically fills up all the documents. This difference is mainly because each input form caters to a different purpose/need of statutory return of the company.
A statutory return document is presented in the appearance of an input form. The user will enter data in its fields in the following manner;
Step 1: Company Information & Payment Detail Input
Step 2: Form Specific Input
Step 3: Signatory Input
Step 4: Challan Conformity
- Company Information & Payment detail Input
These two opening sections are included in all forms for company identification and payment inquiry purpose.
A few important fields of the form are described below;
Incorporation Number
Company Incorporation number is specified in this text field. This is an identification number which is assigned at the time of company origination for easy and fast credential detection.
Bank Branch
Client will choose his/her preferred Bank branch at this section where a challan payment could be made in accordance to the statutory return to be filed.
- Form Specific Input
Each statutory return is filed for a different cause meaning one may be representing the financial scenario while the other submits mortgage information. For this reason, the middle area of each return form is different making them very subject specific in nature.
- Signatory Input
The closing section of every form has signatory information fields where the details of the company signatory are provided.
A few important fields of the form are described below;
- Signatory Selection
The two option buttons in front of this heading are provided for the user’s quick help. “Select from Drop down” option will show a list of all company signatories from which a choice can be made. “Enter in Other textbox” option will enable a text box for a quick entry of the signatory name.
- Challan Conformity
A complete data entry will lead the user to a new page where a few options are given for any modifications at the previous levels or further going through the process.
NOTE: A Bank Challan is mandatory to be submitted along with the statutory return or document. A complete data entry in the return form will automatically calculate and state the Challan amount accordingly.
A successful data entry and document attachment leads the user towards the actual submission of his/her application, the final Step. The user shall Click “Sign form”. Please note that sign form link will be activated when once mandatory attachments are made to the process and challan is saved.
Enter the PIN and click “Apply user PIN”, field for “PIN APPLIED” will be auto-populated and on clicking “Submit process to SECP” button, process will be submitted to SECP
Check for Update
Upon submitting the application, user will now be guided back to the Process Listing page. Company compliance update is posted to client’s eServices accounts regularly. Therefore, it is a good practice to check for response/update from SECP offices by logging in the user accounts regularly.
A few important links in the process listing page are described below;
List of Available Processes
Lists of processes which are available for the user to interact with are listed under this heading to choose from.
List of Processes Awaiting Response
A list of processes which are need resolution/modifications from the user end will appear under this title. It is considered a good practice for the user to log into the eServices account regularly and resolve processes which need response.
List of Unavailable Processes
Lists of processes which are being processed by the user are placed under this heading only for reference and record purpose.